Answering Questions Families Have About End-of-Life Care

QnA on End-Of-Life Care

If your loved-one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, there may come a point at which you have to make the difficult decision to end his or her medical treatment. If he or she is suffering and there is no prospect of recovery, the time may come to end all medical interventions except palliative treatment, and seek end-of-life care in Memphis . At this point, the priority is to make sure that your loved-one spends his or her last days and weeks with as much dignity as possible.

End Of Life Care in Memphis, TN

Treatments and Therapies

There are number of medical and psychological treatments available to help make your loved-on comfortable during the final period of his or her life. Trained professionals can prescribe and administer pain medication. The loved-one may also need medications to alleviate other symptoms, such as nausea, digestive problems, or difficulty breathing. Treatments may be administered at home or in a hospital, depending on his or her needs and wishes. Spiritual and psychological support is also crucial. Counselors, together with spiritual leaders, if appropriate, and other skilled professionals can offer guidance and emotional support.

Advanced Directives

Most patients find it reassuring to talk about their wishes for end-of-life care well in advance. This allows them to make decisions calmly, while they are still in relatively good health and can think clearly. Their primary care physicians should discuss the available options clearly and frankly. Knowing that they have already made all the necessary arrangements offers many patients peace of mind. The loved-on can draw up an advanced care directive , designating a proxy decision-maker, and detailing his or her specific wishes with regard to care. This enables friends and relatives to know exactly what to do later, even if the patient is too incapacitated to be able to express his or her own needs or desires.

Emotional Support

If you are caring for someone in the final stages of a terminal illness, there are a few simple things you can do to help him or her come to terms with the situation. Talk to your loved-on about his or her life. Reminisce, share memories, recall achievements, even share jokes. Celebrate your shared past and look to the future by discussing the lives and prospects of his or her other family members. Don’t hesitate to seek professional support if you need it.