The Importance of Respite Care

Respite Care Is An Essential Part Of Being A Caregiver

When you’re tasked with taking care of a loved one, taking care of yourself is just as important of a job—and it can seem just as difficult to do. Caregivers often feel overwhelmed and guilty about taking time for themselves, but in reality, it’s impossible to provide the care you want to give if you aren’t at your best. Respite care near Memphis allows you to get the break you need while knowing that your loved one is still receiving the support he or she requires. Here is a look at why respite care is an essential part of being a caregiver.

Physical Health
Many caregivers find that they get sick more often than they did before they were in charge of providing care. It’s no surprise that this happens, since you’re more likely to miss out on sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise when your loved one needs your attention. When your body doesn’t get the basic things it needs, like rest and nutrition, you become more vulnerable to infection. With respite care, a home health aide can take over care duties while you sleep, work out, or simply rest and let your body heal.

Emotional Health
Respite Care Service in Memphis, TN Being a caregiver is rewarding, but it is also emotionally demanding. The less help you have with care, the more stressful your duties can become. In addition to the damage that long-term stress can do to you, you may find that you become inpatient with your loved one because of the pressure. Respite care gives you an important opportunity to focus on yourself and do things that bring you pleasure, such as engaging in favorite hobbies and spending time with friends, which can help to restore your emotional health.

Personal Relationships
Because of the demands of your caregiving duties, you may have less time for important personal relationships. You can preserve these connections with the help of respite care. Use the opportunity to go out with your spouse, spend the day with your kids, or catch up with an old friend.